Dental Health
How To Book A Dentist Appointment With Ambiance Dental
Welcome! We are happy to provide you with all of the information you need to book your first appointment with one of our wonderful dentists at Ambiance Dental in downtown Calgary! How to choose a dentist? Before booking your first appointment, it’s important to consider what a great dentist and dental clinic look like for…
Read MoreTreating Bad Breath – How Your Dentist Can Help!
Having bad breath can be embarrassing and affects how comfortable you feel around others. Sometimes you may not even know you have bad breath and once you discover it, it may be difficult to determine the cause. You may become extra conscious of your breath and use mints or gum to cover it up. But…
Read MoreDry Mouth: What It Is, Causes & Treatments
Saliva is necessary for our mouths to keep moist and clean, as well as to digest our food. It also helps to move bacteria out of the mouth so it doesn’t build up. When you don’t produce enough saliva, your mouth will become dry and uncomfortable. You may also notice certain oral conditions can develop…
Read MoreOral Cancer Self Exam
Oral cancer is not as openly discussed as other forms of cancer, but it actually affects more Canadians each year than cervical and ovarian cancers, as well as melanoma. Cancers of the mouth, throat and nasal passages make up the majority of oral cancers, so it is estimated that dental professionals diagnose almost 85% of…
Read MoreUsing Mindfulness And Meditation To Stop Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding and clenching have become quite common amongst adults and even some children. We deal with a lot of stressors in a day and many people hold that tension in their neck and jaw. This can cause you to grind your teeth and clench your jaw tightly especially at night while you are sleeping…
Read MoreHow Long Will My Porcelain Veneers Last?
A beautifully restored smile is an investment in your confidence and oral health. Everyone wants a gorgeous smile that looks beautiful and lets them eat with comfort. Veneers are a treatment option that patients frequently request to achieve this. Veneers can be made of various materials, but in our clinic, we typically use porcelain veneers…
Read MoreWhat To Eat To Improve Oral Health
Good oral health is critical to looking and feeling great. Your smile has a major impact on how you feel about your outward appearance. Your mouth also has a major impact on how you feel on the inside. Poor oral care can increase risk factors for disease and affect your gut health. The types of…
Read MoreSensitive Teeth May Be Caused By This
Tooth sensitivity can be both painful and alarming. It can start out of nowhere or may be something that has slowly gotten worse over time.
Read MoreOral Hygiene Tips You May Not Know
Brushing, flossing and visiting your dental team 2-3 times per year are the foundations of good oral care routines, but chances are, you already know that! The basics of how to care for your teeth, gums, mouth and jaw are typically well known to most, but there are many other ways that you can optimize…
Read MoreWhat Causes The Discolouration Of A Tooth?
A bright white smile is a sign of health and beauty. Many patients are concerned with discoloured teeth. There are many reasons that a tooth may become discoloured. The most common reason is the food and drink that is being consumed. Luckily, that is also the most treatable and preventable cause. Let’s take a closer…
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