What Cosmetic Treatments Do Celebrities Get For The Perfect Smile?

At some point, we’ve all been envious of the gorgeous smiles that celebrities show off on the red carpet but few realize that getting a perfect smile that dazzles audiences usually takes lots of work from a qualified and experienced dental team. The people behind the amazing smile usually includes a cosmetic dentist who is an expert in smile design and bringing together all of the elements that make a perfect smile.

The best part about this news is that perfect smiles are not typically the product of stellar genetics, they are the result of working with a professional dental team, so the perfect “red carpet worthy” smile is accessible to anyone once you’ve found the right cosmetic dentist to get you there.

How your smile sits within your face – your teeth, lips and gums and how they relate to each other, as well as their symmetry within your features – is critical to obtaining a perfect smile. A cosmetic dentist should have expertise in designing your smile to sit perfectly within your unique facial structure. It is also critical to getting a celebrity smile that your mouth is in great health, your teeth are straight and white and that any damage or discolouration is corrected.

Some of the procedures that cosmetic dentists use to give celebrities the perfect smile are:

  • Braces or Invisalign straighten teeth which gives a more uniform appearance and allows both jaws to work together in harmony, producing a lovely smile that is even and symmetrical
  • Whitening ensures teeth are bright white and can shine within the smile
  • Veneers and porcelain caps adhere to the tooth, can disguise gaps, lengthen teeth and even hide crooked teeth
  • Bonding, similar to veneers, is a great alternative since it doesn’t require any amount of the tooth to be removed
  • Tooth Contouring allows a dentist to smooth and reshape any portions of teeth that are too pointed or too long
  • Crowns are a permanent porcelain cap used to hold the structure of teeth that are weakened by fillings, cracks or may be worn down. While they provide an important function, crowns also help the teeth to look uniform and white
  • Dental implants fill out a smile, but are also critical to maintaining the structure of the teeth around the open area. If missing teeth are not replaced, they can cause the surrounding teeth to tip in which damages the way the jaw creates your bite, and can look unsightly as well

A knowledgeable and experienced cosmetic dentist can help you get a perfect celebrity-worth smile using the right treatments for your unique situation. From whitening and gentle realignment to full restorations, there really are very few limits to what can be achieved with cosmetic dentistry.

The team at Ambiance Dental has helped many patients to obtain their perfect smile and we’d love to help you too. Call us today to book a consultation!